Club Welfare Officer. Kevin Anderson.
All affiliated British Canoe Clubs must have at least one Club Welfare Officer (CWO).
British Canoeing’s safeguarding Team’s vision is:
We all have a role in ensuring that the club is a safe respectful and welcoming place. If you feel that this goal is being missed, the person to contact is the CWO. The welfare officer will try to act in a proportional and appropriate way to improve the situation. This covers the full range actions, from a word with some one, to the involvement of outside agencies.
Finally there is the possibility that the person you are concerned about is the CWO, who can you turn to then? British Canoeing have a safeguarding team. If you feel the club cannot deal with your concern, contact them.
Contact details
The club welfare officer is Kevin Anderson
I can be contacted in person at the club. My contact details are displayed in the container.
By email to
Important, I am not the only person who recieves this email. Just give your contact details and I’ll get back to you.
By Facebook messenger.
On the DUCKS Canoe Club facebook page, find a post by me, click on the photo/name and you can message me.

Contacts and more information.